Lesson Policies

We recommend weekly lessons for any student who has less than five years of private study on their instrument of choice. Bi-weekly lessons are encouraged for more advanced students.

Our cancellation policy is that we ask for at least 48 hours before any cancellation. The vast majority of our clients desire weekly lessons. All of our teachers gig and perform locally in the Atlanta area, and have very busy schedules. Once a weekly lesson is reserved, it is very difficult to set up make-up lessons. All of our students are entitled to two rescheduled lessons per semester. If that is exceeded, it is up to the teacher’s discretion whether or not to schedule a cancelled lesson.

We bill our lessons monthly or per semester. There is a set monthly payment plan. All students receive 18 lessons per semester. The monthly charge includes all breaks and holiday weekends.

Any questions regarding tuition or payment policy, please email or call us directly.